Thursday, August 9, 2012


I've been open to the public, but never have I posted about this blog via Facebook or told anyone about it except my husband. I always just found this a way to vent and just write what I'm feeling. Next week I will be guest blogging at Undercovermother. It's special to me because it's my sister's blog and I'm kind of following in her foot steps. I thought I would give a proper introduction to the blogging world.

Hi. I'm Jill (nerdy wave), and I'm Hyacynth's baby sister. As we were sitting in her living room the other night, she asked me if I wanted to be a guest on her blog. "Sure." I thought, "That will be fun!" Then it sunk in that I'm writing on my sister's blog. You know, that sister who has been writing beautiful work since like, age 3. I'm brand spanking new at blogging, so as nervous as I am, I will try and do my best for all of you wonderful, loyal readers of Undercovermother. So here it goes.

This is me. I'm Jill. I'm 23 (I totally feel like I'm writing an online dating profile.) I like baking with my pink kitchen aid mixer, spending ridiculous amounts of time with my husband, adding pins on pintrest, pretending I'm Adele as I sing in my car, riding my husband's motorcycle, knitting, and cleaning my kitchen. (That last one is totally legit.)

I'm married to this handsome guy, Mike. He's 32, an entrepreneur, hard-working, a perfectionist, would have way more fun sitting at the kid's table than with the adults, athletic, he likes politics, he loves to act like a kid,  he rocks at Call of Duty, good at "getting things done", and is your typical man's man. (and yes, that picture on the top right, is him working on our wedding day.)

We are parents to this beauty. This is Emery. I gave birth to her at home on May 20th, 2012. She likes to talk a lot, loves being worn in a ring sling, absolutely loves the camera (she's amazed by it), likes bath-time, and loves to smile!

I'm a stay at home mom and my husband works from home. Needless to say, we are with each other 24/7. My husband and I are still newlyweds and still getting to know each other too, so it makes our days super interesting. We found each other on an online dating site and met in person on March 22nd, 2011. Apparently, I made a pretty good impression because 6.5 weeks later we got engaged, then 4 months later on September 2nd, we were married. Oh, and then to top it off, the same month, we found out we were pregnant! My life has never changed so quickly. I'm still trying to get used to it all. I was once the party girl, and now I've turned into a semi-crunchy, babywearing, breastfeeding, stay at home momma. It's been a pretty interesting adjustment rushing so quickly into married life, but I'm loving every minute of it. I can honestly say our life has been a whirlwind romance so far.

I'm looking forward to sharing a little bit of my life with you all.


  1. over from UM- following you now- I blogged for awhile without telling anyone either ;) might as well go for it- blogging is fun!

  2. I was nervous at first about posting about my life, but I'm actually enjoying it :)
