Thursday, March 28, 2013

WLC Week 2 & 3

The last 2 weeks, I've been finding it difficult to even find time to exercise.

My eating during week 2 was pretty good with a couple slip ups here and there.

This week, however, I've had an awful stomach bug. I worked out on Monday and then it went downhill from there till today. Today I finally feel like I'm almost normal. My body was so tired and weak, so I wasn't able to work out, and I didn't eat for 2 days because I just didn't feel well.

This weekend as we go out of town for Easter, I'm excited to be by warm weather.  I plan on walking every day we are gone.

I lost weight this week, but it wasn't from working out. It's because I literally have nothing in my system, but today is a different story. I was able to eat a little bit this morning, and I'm not struggling taking care of E.

Here's to a successful week 4!

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